Friday, January 16, 2009

Can Women ever b safer??

People say a woman is the one, who brings us the life. They say a woman is the one, who takes care of us when we are in trouble, and they also say a woman is the one, who can sacrifice her life for her family but the question is, what are we doing to that woman?

 An school girl being gang raped by her own classmates and the horrific rape and murder of a call centre employee by a taxi driver is not the answer one expects of that question. In fact, reading news like this in a newspaper is a disgrace on our society. Incidents like this happen on a daily basis. 

Almost everybody  reacts to rapes saying,” Oh, forget about it, don't make yourself miserable thinking about it; what can you do anyway? One must go on with life, be practical". I don't deny that I have to go on with my life - what else can I do ? People start talking, media asks questions, police investigates the case and everyone, suddenly, becomes quite, but in all of this, we forget that woman, the woman who suffered the entire trauma. We forget that woman who is someone’s mother, daughter, wife or a friend.

But I refuse to live in a world where a rapist can plan and commit what he plans and finally get away with it. It is getting unbearable  with whatever is happening.

Coming specifically to the cities like Mumbai, Bangalore etc, Thousands of young men and women in India are now working in BPOs, earning money. They work odd hours far from their own realities. Yet, many families, who would otherwise not permit their daughters to do night work, have accepted them working in call centres because they asume that despite the strange hours of work, their daughters will be safe because "the company" will take care of them. 

             But what if the girls are still not provided with the proper security measures? Are women who have to commute at night, or use public transport, are forced to remain alert at all times because they are aware of the dangers?Is this whats happening in our country?

              I ask you,” will it all ever end? will there be a day when we do not have rapes? will India be a safe country for the woman to freely roam about and go for her work?”

And all this leads to a one single question and that is, are women really safe in India? And if not, what’s the reason behind it? There is no one single reason behind it.

   First and the foremost reason is the lack of independent women in our country whom the young girls can look upon as their role models. Being independent can give immense confidence to someone which is surely lacking in the women of India of all age groups. Another one reason which people don’t mention  is the behavior of parents. In our society, a mother has to agree with whatever a father says. A woman has no say in the decisions. This type of behavior often leads to lack of confidence among girls. The gang rape incidents bring a light on the functioning of the teenagers and also highlights the need for sex education in the study curriculums. The major reason for the poor condition of women is the pervert nature of Indian men. Besides the Indian women, even tourists complain about this and this is damaging the image of India on a global level. Teenagers, often, take pride in doing eve teasing and this is where everything starts. Parents have to take responsibility of their kids and their actions and Indian men have to control their pervert nature and start respecting women.

                       I can only say that if you can’t help yourself then no one will help you.. just refuse to live in such a world and fight to live in a better place. Making the world safe for young women is not entirely in our hands. What we can do is…Don’t  let this issue die down, just disappear and forgotten. Be first to raise your voice. If you won’t then there will be same incidents again and again and the same question will come up again, ‘Are women safe in India?’



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