Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Crime Free Nation

Well a crime free nation in present course seems to be a bit daunting task for our country because if we look at the present scenario we will see that every state of india is facing one or the another problems. So whose responsibilty is there to make India such a nation ?? ministers ? police ? army ?? no my friends its we the people of india especially the youth can make a lot of difference to what should we need to do for it ? go for a traffic jam ? or harm some public property ?? think about it ...according to me first step we as a youth can take is that we should vote ... if we think that the persons contesting cant be a good representatives of our nation then we should go in politics and do what is best for the nation.....another important thing that we people dont have any national characters thats why we always keep fighting with each others over one or the other issues . so my friends its high time now ! i think we should wake up now and then only the scenario of seeing india as developed country by 2030 can be achieved . 

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